Glennwood drew up the right conclusions. The NSA-gate shows the real face of Europe’s “leaders” – tools & fools indifferent against citizens & democracy. NSA corrupted “not only” the basic relationship between free citizens and state but also gobally to any company and institution. It is not a leveled field for those without access to... International anger over US government surveillance has combined with a backlash against its current Middle East policy to leave President Obama increasingly isolated from many of his key foreign allies. Many Germans thought the chancellor, however, had been too restrained in her criticism when the extent of NSA surveillance on ordinary citizens emerged. Now...
As much as I see President Putin primarily taking care of Russia’s strategic interest, I’ll admit that he has a much clearer and more honest message than Obama. I wish the West would show a little more leadership and integrity. I get the impression that the EU and the US today really have no idea what they doing when it comes to...
You liked the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the Vietnam War, the Kuwaiti incubators crimes and the first Gulf War, the Racak massacre and the war in Kosovo, Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and the second Gulf War and Benghazi and the Libyan war? You will just love Obama’s cynical spin of gassing civilians in Ghouta and his red line. The...
President Barack Obama’s decision arming Syria’s rebels deepens U.S. involvement in a regional proxy war that is being fought along sectarian lines, pitting Sunni against Shiite Muslims, threatening the stability of Syria’s neighbors and the world as well as heightening U.S. tensions with Russia. Following last week’s chemical attack, the West has engineered a media campaign to...
Großartig – den ganzen Euro-Schwindel in einem einzigen Lied auf den Punkt gebracht. Ich fühle mich nicht verhöhnt, denn ich habe diese Währung nie unterstützt. Der Euro war und ist ein Fehler – es wird Zeit für eine neue Politik. Merkel, Schäuble, Steinbrück, Steinmeier, Gabriel, Trittin & Co. werden als das dargestellt, was sie sind: ...
So this massacre happened right after Syrian government has been ready for maximum cooperation with UN experts working to clarify the alleged use of chemical weapons, it was obviously a well orchestrated calculated attack by the rebels and their associates. Only foolish people with delusional disorders would believe that Assad organized the attack after he...
Wieder ein Fall von Mut zur Wahrheit gegen Orwell’s “newspeak”. Gefühlte Inflation bezeichnet die Systempresse, wenn man statt offizielle geschönter Zahlen von 1.9% wirklich durchschnittlich 2.9% mehr bezahlt. Schlicht deswegen, weil Menschen Butter statt Plasmabildschirm essen, und in diesem manipulierten Warenkorb vieles falsch gewichtet ist. Die offizielle, vom statistischen Bundesamt ermittelte Inflationsrate betrug im Juli...
Eine willkommene Wahlhilfe für die AfD. Der Vorsitzende der Katholischen Bischofskonferenz, der Freiburger Erzbischof Robert Zollitsch, greift ungewöhnlich deutlich in den Bundestagswahlkampf ein. „Ich sehe keine Alternative zum Euro“ Der Euro als Staatsreligion. Er sollte die Freiburger Rede von Papst Emeritus Benedikt den XVI nachlesen. Die Deutsche Staatskirche vertritt er würdig – widerwärtig weltlich, spirituell...
Experts in Washington talk increasingly of a “Failed foreign policy” of Obama. “Obama wanted not less than to shift the arc of the history to more justice and a more peaceful and more stable world,” wrote the renowned Washington Institute Brookings in their mid-term assessment of Obama’s foreign policy. He had hardly achieved results, instead given his opponents more often the impression,...
On behalf of America Mr. Putin, I would like to thank you for trying to supply information on the Boston bombing suspects before it took place. The US were too busy spying on native Americans and Europeans at the time. When the US president gets over his latest tantrum I’m sure at some point he...
Der deutsche Außenminister Westerwelle fordert bei seinem Besuch in Ägypten ein rechtsstaatliches Verfahren für den abgesetzten Präsidenten Mursi. Er rief die Menschen im Land auf, Brücken zu bauen.Das muss man sich mal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen: Ein amtierender deutscher Außenminister setzt sich für einen gestürzten islamistischen Präsidenten ein, der sein Amt erstens wie ein...