According to Data of the European central bank (Source Neue Züricher Zeitung), the net property of the German households is lower than in any other Euro-country. The median wealth in Germany country to 51,400 euros – in Cyprus 266,900 euros. The study was held back during the Cyprus Bail Out talks and buried (or largely ignored) by the German newspapers. For six years...
RIP Margaret Thatcher. She was a remarkable politician and she did some extraordinary things. Cameron did find the right words. I would agree with what he said, characterizing Thatcher as divisive figure: ” We can’t deny that Lady Thatcher divided opinion,” Cameron said. “For many of us, she was and is an inspiration. For others she...
The world is used to macho images of Vladimir Putin hunting bears, harpooning whales or fly-fishing. A German TV journalists was recently granted unprecedented hunting lessons by the Russian prime minister. Vladimir Putin appeared as witty, well-informed and surprisingly likeable man besides checkmating the German. Putin usually doesn’t think much of journalists. “He has a penchant for conspiracy...
So who who is the a billionaire “philanthropist” who came to be known as “the Man Who Broke the Bank of England” when he raked in a staggering one billion dollars during the 1992 “Black Wednesday” currency crisis. These days investment legend is most famous for being perhaps the most “politically active” (at least openly)...
Haltet den Dieb schreien oft die Lumpen. Nach der Abschaffung von “Steueroasen” dürfte wohl der Wettbewerb losgehen, wer schafft mehr Steuereinnahmen. Im öffentlichen Zwangsfernsehen wird schon das legale Steuersparen als “sogenannt legal” bezeichnet. Die Presse fungiert in ihrer Lieblingsrolls Gericht: Namen werden genannt, und wir hören von den Schweinereien der üblichen Verdächtigen: Darunter sind Gunter...
The temptation to abandon a sinking Euro ship grows. China and other emerging countries move out already. That such large costs might materialise as a result of the euro’s adoption has always been a foreseen and politically ignored, but only now are they being realised. In Euro and marginalization of European citizens by a deflation and...
Mehr Blamage geht nicht. Die Zypernkrise führt sie alle vor: Die Bundesregierung wollte vor der Bundestagswahl an russischen Oligarchen ein publikumswirksames Exempel statuieren. Macht sich gut im ÖR und Wahlkampf. Ging allerdings schief. Die Regierungen, die Finanzminister Europäische Union (EU),der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF), die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) und die European Banking Authority (EBA): Ignoranz und Inkompetenz, wohin das...
Die ökonomischen Kosten der Euro-Rettung sind gigantisch. Nun drohen auch noch die politischen Kosten aus dem Ruder zu laufen. Und die Deutschen drohen am Ende als die größten Verlierer dazustehen. Ein ganz hervorragender Artikel. Diese Währungsunion ist ein rein politisches Konstrukt, welches seine destruktiven ökonomischen Wirkungen für Deutschland schon seit seinem Bestehen entfaltet. Dies wird von...
Merkels Zusage von einst, unser Spargeld sei sicher, ist Nonsens, wie alles, was die deutsche Executive sagt. Zypern war eine Warnung für uns alle. Man ist jetzt zwar zurück gerudert, aber auch das war und ist nur ein Spiel. Wenn es hart auf hart kommt, -und das wird es- geht der deutsche Staat auch hier...
Anybody still has doubts about the EU? Dijsselboems statements, speaking the truth for one time supposedly has created doubts. Certainly not very diplomatic and loosing in the scapegoat game, he could not cause more damage, because since 2008 time has been bought by insolvency avoidance. This ‘EU’ slowly approaches its end. Dijsselboems dry words only just calmly facts...
Euroscepticism in Germany. Silent no more. In the run up to the election the party landscape in Germany is amusing. The Euroscepticism with an academic base become a lot of media coverage and momentum with the Cyprus crisis. Euroscepticism is a healthy state, and should be encouraged with professional, academic level debate. What is particularly...
The war in Syria becomes increasingly religious. Out of personal experience and sympathy for the country and its people I have written a few articles, which predicted that. Should the Assad regime drop, religious minorities have to fear worst. The UN Special Adviser on the prevention of genocide, Adama Dieng, already warns of a genocide....