Obama "Yes, we scan" policy globally not well received

Obama "Yes, we scan" policy globally not well received

Associated Press President and CEO Gary Pruitt, once a First Amendment (of the US constitution) lawyer, has lashed out at US President Barack Obama for his administration’s aggressive stance against whistleblowers and journalists. Addressing the National Press Club in Washington on Wednesday, Pruitt described the government’s actions against journalists as unconstitutional and a violation of...

The Definitive “People Who Thought Chechnya was the Czech Republic” Collection

The Definitive “People Who Thought Chechnya was the Czech Republic” Collection

The Definitive “People Who Thought Chechnya was the Czech Republic” Collection Two brothers from Chechnya. That was the official word early morning on Friday April 19th, 2013 as to who were behind the Boston marathon bombings. “Chechens.” So, naturally, who do some brilliant net citizens  blame? The CZECH REPUBLIC, of course! The amassador of the...
Boston  IEDs more questions than answers

Boston IEDs more questions than answers

I lived in Boston for half a year. As a runner I am touched and pray for the victims. The fact is 3 innocent people are killed. many people lost limbs. many lives are shattered and even the suspects families is shattered. Why they did it or who was behind it or if they were...

Die Bank gewinnt immer. Finanzkrise kostet jeden Deutschen 9.000 Euro

Die Aufseher, Währungshüter und die Politiker übersahen die finanziellen Sprengbomben in den Bilanzen der Banken und glaubten Ökonomen, die ihnen das Märchen von den effizienten Märkten erzählten. Das Gros der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Analysten war von der mathematischen Exaktheit ihrer Modelle geblendet und wähnte sich im alleinigen Besitz der Weisheit – und war doch nur mit...

Putin believes Washington is gripped by ‘strategic insanity’

According to Lukyanov’s latest article in Al-Monitor, an assessment of the lessons that he believes Russia drew from the Iraq war that began 10 years ago, President Vladimir Putin and his government are convinced that U.S. foreign policy is basically running on madness at this point.  Moscow believes that “strategic insanity” has taken hold in...

Iron Lady, Euro unnecessary, inoperable and dangerous: "The European currency will fail – economically, politically and socially".

The late Margaret Thatcher late on Monday knew exactly why she loathed the EU’s bureaucrats and the Euro during her term of Office. For the ‘iron lady’ of the euro was unnecessary, inoperable and dangerous: “The European currency will fail – economically, politically and socially”.Cut the loss and  stop the bleeding is the urgent need of the hour. Seit nunmehr acht Jahren erzielt Deutschland jährliche Leistungsbilanzüberschüsse jenseits der Marke von fünf Prozent der Wirtschaftsleistung. Diese Erfolgsserie spiegelt sich in einem steigenden Auslandsvermögen. Unlängst gab die Deutsche Bundesbank bekannt, dass das deutsche Netto-Auslandsvermögen im Schlussquartal 2012 auf ein Rekordvolumen von...
Margaret Thatcher - the shopkeeper's daughter who made it to the highest office

Margaret Thatcher – the shopkeeper’s daughter who made it to the highest office

RIP Margaret Thatcher. She was a remarkable politician and she did some extraordinary things. Cameron did find the right words. I would agree with what he said, characterizing Thatcher as divisive figure: ” We can’t deny that Lady Thatcher divided opinion,” Cameron said. “For many of us, she was and is an inspiration. For others she...
Putin at his best - harpooning an unsuspecting German journalist

Putin at his best – harpooning an unsuspecting German journalist

The world is used to macho images of Vladimir Putin hunting bears, harpooning whales or fly-fishing. A  German TV journalists was recently granted unprecedented hunting  lessons by the Russian prime minister. Vladimir Putin appeared as witty, well-informed and surprisingly likeable man besides checkmating the German.  Putin usually doesn’t think much of journalists. “He has a penchant for conspiracy...

Cui Bono

So who who is the  a billionaire “philanthropist” who came to be known as “the Man Who Broke the Bank of England” when he raked in a staggering one billion dollars during the 1992 “Black Wednesday” currency crisis. These days investment legend is most famous for being perhaps the most “politically active” (at least openly)...
Abandon a sinking Euro ship

Abandon a sinking Euro ship

The temptation to abandon a sinking Euro ship grows. China and other emerging countries move out already. That such large costs might materialise as a result of the euro’s adoption has always been a foreseen and politically ignored, but only now are they being realised. In Euro and marginalization of European citizens by a deflation and...
Western foreign policy a pattern for genocide.

Western foreign policy a pattern for genocide.

The war in Syria becomes increasingly religious.  Out of personal experience and sympathy for the country and its people I have written a few articles, which predicted that.  Should the Assad regime drop, religious minorities have to fear worst. The UN Special Adviser on the prevention of genocide, Adama Dieng, already warns of a genocide....