Ich hab die ISS als dunkle Schatten vor Sonne erwischt! Zusammen mit einem Freund haben wir alles aufgebaut, und es blieb sogar noch etwas Zeit. Er hat mit einer externen Funkuhr den Takt gegeben(die sich wenige Stunden vorher ganz neu synchronisieren musste und mit zwei anderen verglichen wurde), um sehr genau den richtigen Zeitpunkt zu erwischen....
I experiment a bit with an Rubinar and a MTO Russentonne 500mm lens, which I recently acquired second-hand. Here a snapshot fully manual settings with the RT 50 f/8 (and lots of light in Southern France). The Beehive Cluster, also known as M44, NGC 2632, or Cr 189, is an open cluster in the...
Arduino-based Cartes du Ciel Skywatcher bridge I’m currently developing a prototype connecting a planetary software on a laptop or tablet like “Cartes du Ciel” or Stellarium to my Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 GT telescope mount. Physical the connection should be WLAN using an Arduino and an Ethernet shield. There are commercial WLAN products out there, but I...
München scheint ein Pflaster für sympathische Schwerenöter zu sein, nicht nur im Film. Die “nördlichste Stadt Italiens” ist ideales Jagdrevier für einen Casanova, der zwar schon in die Jahre gekommen ist, aber mit seinem Aussehen und Verführer-Charme bei der Damenwelt immer noch einen Stich macht. Diese Rolle ist meinem alten Freund und Studienkollegen auf den Leib geschrieben,...
The Paris Video The Rosengarten Video What happened 2012 – Lived in Munich an Switzerland
Trip to Casablanca I was sent to Morocco in a rather haphazard way — “go there and fix the issues but without any support and pressure”. I have never been there, but why not. After filling a lot of company forms, since Morocco is mildly red flagged for business travel I clicked on some...
What happend 2011 – annus horribles Travel Report London Travel Report Casablanca
My trip to the Ancient Observatory Ancient Observatory, Beijing was known as the ‘Platform of Star Watching’ during the Ming Dynasty but later the name was changed to ‘Observatory’ during the Qing Dynasty. The name was further changed to ‘Central Observatory’ after the revolution of 1911. After its renovation in 1980, the Observatory has become...
What happend 2010 – a difficult year turned out well Travel Report Ski Trip Travel Report Beijing
What happend 2009 so far – lots of travel all over Europe Aniversary 9-9-1999 Paris
Vietnam Travel Vietnam Travel This Summer Day 1: Ho Chi Minh City – Arrival We arrived at Tan Son Nhat airport and went to the center of city. Interesting traffic, there are no rules really. After freshen up, we visited the post office and Notre Dame Cathedral before enjoying a dinner at an...