We’ve all heard the phrase “the banality of evil”, coined by the political theorist Hannah Arendt. Her 1951 masterwork, “The Origins of Totalitarianism,” about the parallels between Hitler’s Third Reich and Stalinist Russia, made her an intellectual celebrity. In her book, she argued that totalitarian regimes seek to dominate every aspect of everyone’s life as...
Voltaire Network | 1 June 2014 The centennial anniversary of the First World War is a time for sober reflection and deep thought about the causes and consequences of this human tragedy. It has been quipped that hindsight is 20/20, but being so far removed from the actual event itself nowadays, it appears as though...
Die Verhältnisse in der Ukraine lassen die Erinnerungen an Kosovo in den Blickpunkt kommen. Über Völkerrecht lässt sich trefflich streiten es gibt viele (interpretationen) davon und jeder Staat sucht sich das heraus was gerade passt. Der rein rechtliche Ansatz führt also in die Irre. Es geht um Geopolitik und Machtpolitik sowie um Versagen von Diplomatie....
From Iraq to Ukraine: A Pattern of Disaster The War Party’s record is no hits, all errors by Justin Raimondo, March 17, 2014 Eleven years ago this week the United States invaded Iraq – an event the late General William E. Odom rightly called the biggest strategic disaster in US military history. The decade since that catastrophe proves...
Whenever some inconvenient facts surface the media introduces this using the phrase “conspiracy theory” and then reinforces the mental implant a few lines later. Official narratives aren’t called conspiracy theory (though they are often, literally, ‘theory about conspiracy’). This term has been deliberately crafted as a “thought stopper”, a kind of loaded linguistic implant. This is...
The American press portrays Putin as being the bad guy and the aggressor in the Ukraine crisis.Western media describes the situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea as if a full-scale Russian invasion were under way, with headlines like: “Ukraine says Russia sent 16,000 troops to Crimea” and “Ukraine crisis deepens as Russia sends...
+++ 13.45 Uhr: Merkel sichert Unterstützung zu +++ Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel bekräftigt die Bereitschaft Europas, die Ukraine auf dem Weg zur Stabilität zu unterstützen. Europa stehe dem Land bei, “wenn es darum geht, Recht und Freiheit zu schützen”, sagt die CDU-Politikerin in einer Rede vor beiden Häusern des britischen Parlaments in London. Erstmals seit 100...
Glennwood drew up the right conclusions. The NSA-gate shows the real face of Europe’s “leaders” – tools & fools indifferent against citizens & democracy. NSA corrupted “not only” the basic relationship between free citizens and state but also gobally to any company and institution. It is not a leveled field for those without access to...
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/24/obama-isolated-anger-builds-us-allies International anger over US government surveillance has combined with a backlash against its current Middle East policy to leave President Obama increasingly isolated from many of his key foreign allies. Many Germans thought the chancellor, however, had been too restrained in her criticism when the extent of NSA surveillance on ordinary citizens emerged. Now...
Großartig – den ganzen Euro-Schwindel in einem einzigen Lied auf den Punkt gebracht. Ich fühle mich nicht verhöhnt, denn ich habe diese Währung nie unterstützt. Der Euro war und ist ein Fehler – es wird Zeit für eine neue Politik. Merkel, Schäuble, Steinbrück, Steinmeier, Gabriel, Trittin & Co. werden als das dargestellt, was sie sind: ...
Wieder ein Fall von Mut zur Wahrheit gegen Orwell’s “newspeak”. Gefühlte Inflation bezeichnet die Systempresse, wenn man statt offizielle geschönter Zahlen von 1.9% wirklich durchschnittlich 2.9% mehr bezahlt. Schlicht deswegen, weil Menschen Butter statt Plasmabildschirm essen, und in diesem manipulierten Warenkorb vieles falsch gewichtet ist. Die offizielle, vom statistischen Bundesamt ermittelte Inflationsrate betrug im Juli...
There is no real evidence that the crisis is fading, merely that it is entering a different phase. The next 12 months will throw up political, social and financial market challenges that will once again test Europe’s willingness to get screwed by mass unemployment in southern Europe and plundering the lifetime savings in northern Europe....