
Calm down the Ego

Recently I saw a video from Allan Watts. Interestingly enough this meditation tutorial used different Mantras, or magic words for practical purpose. So he used appropriate words from the Hindu context, from the Christian context and from the Sufi context. He talked also about the necessity to stop the internal chattering, to calm down the...

Spiritual hiking weekend of a catholic tribe howling like wolves

Management summary: Spiritual hiking weekend of a catholic tribe howling like wolves. The theme was wolves. Is that the catholic answer pentecostal? It seem it is. Amazing weekend indeed. The wolf in us from an Jungian view: “lupus est homo homini” wp.me/p2bcCT-1Jo 1 day ago Friday: We meet at the monastery in Tirol. Huge building, Habsburg style, lots of foreign art: the monks still...

Protected: Pizza delivery auf dem Kriegsschiff

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Protected: Die Einladung

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Protected: Überrannt von Angreifern. Geheimgang. Unsere Rettung.

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Protected: Angry Alice in California twenty years ago

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Leni Riefenstahl - Three strikes and you're out.

Leni Riefenstahl – Three strikes and you're out.

Whatever you can say about Leni Riefenstahl (1902-2003) and plenty of people have said (and written) a lot about her, she led a fascinating life. She was beautiful and talented. She was a woman in a man’s field. She made her career during Hitler’s Third Reich. Three strikes and you’re out. Riefenstahl’s life Despite (I...
The Archetype of Hermes - striking similarities in the Euro debate.

The Archetype of Hermes – striking similarities in the Euro debate.

Europe is currently on everyone’s lips Mistrust prevails against the distant institutions in Brussels. Europe is scared like in the 1950’s. As many did during the cold war, Europeans today expect salvation for the divided Europe from aliens with UFOs, who shall pave national and cultural differences creating the United States of Europe (USE). Supposedly this USE based on solidarity, centralized power and supranational...
The European Union and the Alians - UFOs in the 21st century (German)

The European Union and the Alians – UFOs in the 21st century (German)

TO BE TRANSLATED. Europa ist derzeit in aller Munde. Misstrauen herrscht gegen die fernen Institutionen in Brüssel. Europa ist verunsichert wie in den 50er Jahren. Wie damals im kalten Krieg erwarten die einen das Heil für das zerstrittene Europa von fremden Wesen mit UFOs, welche die nationalen und kulturellen Differenzen einebnen und ein solidarisches, zentrales und supernationales Europa schaffen, welches in der bösen...

Richard Wagner from Scene to Scene utilizing C.G. Jung

“Wagner’s Ring and Its Symbols” originally published 1984.  (Engish and German article). I wanted to learn more about Wagner and bought therfore recently a used copy of the English musicologist Robert Donington. He provides an allegorical interpretation of the Wagners Ring Cycle according to the criteria music, drama and the psychological analysis of C.G. Jung. I have...
Rainy Götterdämmerung in Munich.

Rainy Götterdämmerung in Munich.

This is a very personal take on the opera cycle by Richard Wagner’s “Ring” from a Jungian perspective, how the themes of the Ring, though universal, specifically apply to our lives today. Kent Nagano The Munich Opera Festival draws for over 130 years opera fans to Munich, and as one of the oldest international festival...
My Chinese horoscope sign of Serpent

My Chinese horoscope sign of Serpent

Everywhere the symbol of the serpent and dragon ist connected with the (d)evil. That does hurt me a little bit, as I am Serpent in the Chinese Zodiac – which is the least favored sign. The snake has a bad rap not only according to my wife, but certainly within Christianity. In defense of myself...