Author Archive

Calm down the Ego

Recently I saw a video from Allan Watts. Interestingly enough this meditation tutorial used different Mantras, or magic words for practical purpose. So he used appropriate words from the Hindu context, from the Christian context and from the Sufi context. He talked also about the necessity to stop the internal chattering, to calm down the...
ISS before moon

ISS before moon

Ich habs verpasst! Ich hatte alles aufgebaut, sogar noch etwas Zeit. Die Software hatte im Livebild immer mal wieder kleine Aussetzer, aber in den entscheidenden Sekunden war alles gut. Ich habe auf eine externe Funkuhr gestarrt (die sich wenige Stunden vorher ganz neu synchronisieren musste), um sehr genau den richtigen Zeitpunkt zu erwischen. Ich wollte...
Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 2015 in Bavaria: Full 'Blood Moon' Coverage

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 2015 in Bavaria: Full 'Blood Moon' Coverage

The supermoon total lunar eclipse, which occurred on Sept. 27, featured a full moon that looks significantly larger and brighter than usual. It will be the first supermoon eclipse since 1982, and the last until 2033. The moon passed through Earth’s shadow on Sunday, Sept. 27, in a dazzling total lunar eclipse during a perigee...
Perseiden-Beobachtung 2015 am Sudelfeld

Perseiden-Beobachtung 2015 am Sudelfeld

327 Schnuppen in der Nacht Mittwoch/Donnerstag, 12./13. August 2015: Diesmal lag das Maximum der Perseiden einerseits sehr günstig – kurz vor Neumond.Zum traditionellen VSW-Stelldichein am Sudelfeld wured diesmal nicht auf der Walleralm, sondern auf einem tiefer gelegenen, aber nicht minder “klassischen” Platz geladen. Einige Stimmungbilder vom Mittwoch auf Donnerstag am Sudelfeld Sternschnuppen schauen auf der...

Webcams auf den astronomischen Beobachtungsplätzen in unseren Breiten

Webcams im Nahbereich Nymphenburg München West Marienplatz München Mitte Passau Blick über die Dächer von Salzweg Grainet Arber Oberes Sudelfeld Webcams Bayern Allgäu fuerstenfeld peissenberg Webcams auf den astronomischen Beobachtungsplätzen in unseren Breiten Webcam-Blick über die Dächer von München-Neuhausen  Webcam-Blick  im Hintergrund der Taubenberg und (bei klarem Wetter) das Mangfallgebirge Webcam-Blick zum Wendelstein (nur bei klarer...
90. Geburtstag Haidmühle

90. Geburtstag Haidmühle

June 30 and July 1 – close Venus-Jupiter conjunction

June 30 and July 1 – close Venus-Jupiter conjunction

For the last few weeks, countless numbers of the world’s 7 billion people watched the western evening sky as the two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, edged closer and closer to the Venus-Jupiter conjunction. Last night, June 30th, the  Venus-Jupiter conjunction reached its least separation: 0.3° apart (at the time of twilight for the Americas)....
M44 Benchmark MTO (Russentonne), MC Rubinar against a 80mm triplet APO

M44 Benchmark MTO (Russentonne), MC Rubinar against a 80mm triplet APO

I experiment a bit with an  Rubinar and a MTO Russentonne 500mm lens, which I recently acquired second-hand. Here a snapshot  fully manual settings with the RT 50 f/8 (and lots of light in Southern France).   The Beehive Cluster, also known as M44, NGC 2632, or Cr 189, is an open cluster in the...
Nova Sagittarii 2015 moving up a notch again

Nova Sagittarii 2015 moving up a notch again

  This “new” star is definitely worth to log. It was the brightest nova in Sagittarius (German Schütze) more than 100 years, and the brightest anywhere in the sky since Nova Centauri 2013. Classical novae are not all alike. However, their underlying mechanism is the same: a white-dwarf star collects gas, mostly hydrogen, from a...
Arduino-based converter to connect Cartes du Ciel with a telescope over WLAN

Arduino-based converter to connect Cartes du Ciel with a telescope over WLAN

Arduino-based Cartes du Ciel Skywatcher bridge I’m currently developing a prototype connecting a planetary software on a laptop or tablet like “Cartes du Ciel” or Stellarium to my Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 GT telescope mount. Physical the connection should be WLAN using an Arduino and an Ethernet shield. There are commercial WLAN products out there, but I...

Arduino Step by Step Notes

Seee code here Abschnitt 1: Getting started with the Arduino 1 Introduction 01:54 2 The Arduino ecosystem 07:50 3 Lecture 2 quiz 6 Fragen 4 Tools and prototyping workflow 07:51 5 Lecture 3 quiz 5 Fragen 6 Let’s make a light blink! 11:35 7 Lecture 4 quiz 3 Fragen 8 Make the LED fade...
Partial Solar Eclipse 2015

Partial Solar Eclipse 2015

Europe’s biggest solar eclipse since 1999 occurred this month – and 67 per cent of sunlight could be blocked out over Munich.  A total eclipse of the sun will occur in Northern Norway and Faroe Islands with two minutes and two seconds of totality. Besides going to be the biggest event of its kind since...