Burning Books Reblog StOttilien

Burning Books Reblog StOttilien

In another defining act of intellectual barbarism, “Islamist extremists” (term borrowed by AP – Activists, Islam fighters nor Islamists won’t do) in Mali destroyed a number of tombs in the ancient city of Timbuktu, which in the last year fell under control of a separatist insurgency. Home of the prestigious Sankore University, Timbuktu was an intellectual and spiritual capital...
Solidarität mit Israel - Lackmustest für den Arabischen Frühling

Solidarität mit Israel – Lackmustest für den Arabischen Frühling

“Palästinenser brechen Waffenruhe” Warum kann das die Presse nicht sagen?  Mich stört schon immer  die voreingenommene Berichterstattung der deutschen Medien und cnn. Die Verweigerung einzugestehen wer der Aggressor ist und wer auf der anderen Seite vom terroristischen Mob immer angegriffen wird; welche in der gesamten Geschichte des staates Israels nicht fähig waren etwas konstruktives und positives beizutragen. Es sollte...
My Chinese horoscope sign of Serpent

My Chinese horoscope sign of Serpent

Everywhere the symbol of the serpent and dragon ist connected with the (d)evil. That does hurt me a little bit, as I am Serpent in the Chinese Zodiac – which is the least favored sign. The snake has a bad rap not only according to my wife, but certainly within Christianity. In defense of myself...
The Jesuits - Ricci, Schall, Verbiest and the ancient observatory in Beijing China.

The Jesuits – Ricci, Schall, Verbiest and the ancient observatory in Beijing China.

The ancient observatory in Beijing China, once part of the city walls, is mounted on the battlements of a ten-meter watchtower close to the “Second Ring Road”. As one of the oldest and famous observatories in the world, it covers an area of 10,000 square meters. Actually Beijing’s first (innermost) ring road, the 2nd Ring...

Christentum und Wissenschaft entlang der Seidenstrasse. Christentum in Asien.

Die verlorene Einheit – Verstossung des Nestorianismus Der Nestorianismus der Antiochenischen Schule nahm die gegensätzliche Position zum Monophysitismus Alexandriens (Ägypten) ein. Die Antiocher gingen den “Zweinaturenweg”, die Alexandriner dagegen lehrten, dass die menschliche und die Logosnatur immer eins seien. Letztlich war das der Unterschied zwischen Stoa (Dyophysiten) und Platonikern (Monophysititen). Durch bewusst verfälschende Darstellung des...
Sylvain Gouguenheim: Der Historiker zum Abschießen

Sylvain Gouguenheim: Der Historiker zum Abschießen

Wenn ein anerkannter Historiker sich erdreistet, eine der herrschenden Lehre entgegengesetzte Meinung zu vertreten und sich somit in Opposition zu arrivierten Geschichtsdekonstruktivisten stellt, dann muss man um seinen akademischen Ruf besorgt sein. Das haben auch deutsche Wissenschaftler auf ähnlichen Gebieten erfahren, wie Karl-Heinz Ohlig, Christoph Luxenberg, Gerd oder Gerd Rudiger Puin. Sylvain Gouguenheim, Professor für...

Protected: Die dunklen Anfänge

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Docetism and Ebionism compared with the Qur’an

Docetism and Ebionism compared with the Qur’an

Survival of the fittest. Religions fight – survive or die. There were formal and near formal heresies ( heresy = a theological doctrine or system rejected as false by ecclesiastical authority ) such as:  Docetism, Ebionitism,  Nestorians, Apollinarian, Monophysitism  ( several heresies ) and Gnosticism just to name few. Christian Gnostics  believed that someone else...
Philip Jenkins "The Next Christendom" - in the long run . . . Christ wins out

Philip Jenkins "The Next Christendom" – in the long run . . . Christ wins out

Philip Jenkins has a joint appointment  at Penn State University and at Baylor University and  is also  the author of “The Lost History of Christianity”, another excellent book.  A respected professor of  history and religious studies who has been known for “going against the flow,” Jenkins argues that the rapid growth of  Christianity around the...
Revelation of Saint John - Seeing it for Southern Christian Churches.

Revelation of Saint John – Seeing it for Southern Christian Churches.

The Revelation of Saint John scarcely merits the title. Far from being a revelation, it is the most disliked book of the anti-religious Westerners and even in some parts of the Western Christian Churches. An apocalyptic book describing the revelation Jesus Christ gave to John.  It connects the  beginning of the Bible (Genesis 1-11)  describing...
International view on Christoph Luxenberg

Protected: International view on Christoph Luxenberg

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The many lives of Global Christianity

The many lives of Global Christianity

The book – The lost history of Christianity – from Philip Jenkings provided many insights of the Eastern Christians to me, particularly since it makes clear, that also religion history is written by the victor. The book describes with great detail and accuracy how Religions deteriorate, vanish or die. How, religions get killed and when they leave ghosts...