Voltaire Network | 1 June 2014 The centennial anniversary of the First World War is a time for sober reflection and deep thought about the causes and consequences of this human tragedy. It has been quipped that hindsight is 20/20, but being so far removed from the actual event itself nowadays, it appears as though...
Compass Calibration Nexus5 – GPS Essentials 1. Try to stay away from magnetic fields as far as you can 2. Open GPS Essentials and tap on compass (calibration will not work when the compass is not showing) 3. Put the phone on a flat surface with the display pointing up 4. Move the phone slowly,...
PixInsight runs as native 64-bit application on my Linux (SUSE 13.1) and Microsoft Windows 7 dual boot system. PixInsight is a strongly multithreaded environment able to exploit all processors and processor cores available on all platforms and hardware architectures. It is therefore utilizing resources very well. First stop: Workshop Interstellarum (German, Ausgabe 86-92 (2013) Typical...
The Monastery Last weekend I checked in for three-day time-out at my local monastery to prepare lent. Our group discussed with the monk the seven sins and the catholic image of the devil in the sixth century under Pope Pope Gregory I, called “The Great”. Because of the general breakdown of civil institutions resulting from...
Anleitung für das Einscheinern eines auf der Nordhalbkugel und einer “Deutschen Montierung” stehenden Refraktors mit Zenitspiegel . Ein Refraktor, sowie alle Spiegelteleskope mit zwei Spiegeln (Newton, Schmidt-Cassegrain, Maksutov etc.) drehen das Bild – gegenüber dem Himmelsanblick mit dem bloßen Auge – um 180 Grad. Das bedeutet, durch das Okular geschaut, befindet sich Süden nun oben...
I decided to add a new DSLR specialized for Astrophotography. Following a compilation of Canon 60Da Settings for Astrophotography; My intention is to note down a starting point; after that they could go on and modify them per their needs, imaging results, and experience. SLR has live view, the 10x magnification of which is excellent...
Die Verhältnisse in der Ukraine lassen die Erinnerungen an Kosovo in den Blickpunkt kommen. Über Völkerrecht lässt sich trefflich streiten es gibt viele (interpretationen) davon und jeder Staat sucht sich das heraus was gerade passt. Der rein rechtliche Ansatz führt also in die Irre. Es geht um Geopolitik und Machtpolitik sowie um Versagen von Diplomatie....
Putins genialer Schachzug oder wie Russland in ein paar Tagen 20 Mrd. Dollar verdiente Sergey Shikunov Сергей Шикунов Russland hat einen genialen ökonomischen Springerzug gemacht, sie alle um den Finger gewickelt und in nur ein paar Tagen über 20 Mrd. Dollar verdient. Dazu hat es etwa 30 % der Aktien der eigenen Monopole zurückgeholt....
Whoever the initial originator of the events in Ukraine was (for some it is pretty clear after listening to the Nuland and Ashton tapes), the United States is now engaged in a confrontation with Russia. Many believe that the United States was the prime mover behind regime change in Ukraine. Last December, US Assistant Secretary...
From Iraq to Ukraine: A Pattern of Disaster The War Party’s record is no hits, all errors by Justin Raimondo, March 17, 2014 Eleven years ago this week the United States invaded Iraq – an event the late General William E. Odom rightly called the biggest strategic disaster in US military history. The decade since that catastrophe proves...
Credit Photogruppe. Am 16Zoll SC