Posts tagged "Trinity"

Omne bonum a Deo, omne malum ab homini – the supressed Evil.

In pagan societies  and religions which are not based on the Old Testament,  God(s) were Good and Evil. That did not pose any problem in polytheistic belief systems,  but it did in monotheistic religions striving to monotheism and to conceptualize and label God. The Tao, right translated by the Jesuits as God is  referring to God in the unknowable sense,...

Marriages Made in Heaven : Trinity Finally Becomes a Quaternity – to be continued

There is a no doubt that quaternity as a symbol has a very long history.   Quaternity could be found literally all over the world – from China to Peru ,  from earliest paleolithic paintings in Rhodesia to the bronze time in all cultures until today. The number four indicates the border of accuracy in information technology,...