Posts tagged "Science"
Arduino-based converter to connect Cartes du Ciel with a telescope over WLAN

Arduino-based converter to connect Cartes du Ciel with a telescope over WLAN

Arduino-based Cartes du Ciel Skywatcher bridge I’m currently developing a prototype connecting a planetary software on a laptop or tablet like “Cartes du Ciel” or Stellarium to my Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 GT telescope mount. Physical the connection should be WLAN using an Arduino and an Ethernet shield. There are commercial WLAN products out there, but I...
Partial Solar Eclipse 2015

Partial Solar Eclipse 2015

Europe’s biggest solar eclipse since 1999 occurred this month – and 67 per cent of sunlight could be blocked out over Munich.  A total eclipse of the sun will occur in Northern Norway and Faroe Islands with two minutes and two seconds of totality. Besides going to be the biggest event of its kind since...
Conversion from the Top - A Jesuit in the Forbidden City: Matteo Ricci 1552-1610

Conversion from the Top – A Jesuit in the Forbidden City: Matteo Ricci 1552-1610

Das Buch ist eine vollständige, zuweilen recht wissenschaftliche und sehr detaillierte Biographie , dessen Kapitel hauptsächlich nach Wirkungsorten und in den letzten zwei Kapiteln nach sein Hauptwerken angeordnet sind.   Der Autor ist Chinese-American, der daher auch chinesische Quellen berücksichtigten kann. Das Buch wird  vom Kapitel Beijing an ausserordentlich lebendig, und brilliant, geradezu einzigarig wenn es Riccis Argumentation beschreibt....
The Jesuits - Ricci, Schall, Verbiest and the ancient observatory in Beijing China.

The Jesuits – Ricci, Schall, Verbiest and the ancient observatory in Beijing China.

The ancient observatory in Beijing China, once part of the city walls, is mounted on the battlements of a ten-meter watchtower close to the “Second Ring Road”. As one of the oldest and famous observatories in the world, it covers an area of 10,000 square meters. Actually Beijing’s first (innermost) ring road, the 2nd Ring...
The observatory at Maragha

The observatory at Maragha

In 1971 and 1972 I traveled parts of the Silk Road on my way from Europe to Syria and later to Afghanistan. The road stretched for thousands kilometers leading caravans across scorching deserts, picturesque oases, and mountain passes but obviously travelling through the USSR was not possible at this time.  Many of  cities and entire...

Christentum und Wissenschaft entlang der Seidenstrasse. Christentum in Asien.

Die verlorene Einheit – Verstossung des Nestorianismus Der Nestorianismus der Antiochenischen Schule nahm die gegensätzliche Position zum Monophysitismus Alexandriens (Ägypten) ein. Die Antiocher gingen den “Zweinaturenweg”, die Alexandriner dagegen lehrten, dass die menschliche und die Logosnatur immer eins seien. Letztlich war das der Unterschied zwischen Stoa (Dyophysiten) und Platonikern (Monophysititen). Durch bewusst verfälschende Darstellung des...
C.G. Jung , Kepler and Consultative Astrology

C.G. Jung , Kepler and Consultative Astrology

Astrology is still of those darkened avenues considered off-limits of science. In his research into the symbolic meaning of his patient’s dreams, conversations and paintings, Jung observed recurring mythical themes. Jung concluded that the constellations were originally inspired by projections of images created by the collective unconscious. Jung wrote “Astrology represents the sum of all the psychological...

Christus Mansionem Benedicat.

Today the catholic church celebrates the celebration ” HOLY THREE KÖNIG” , its Greek name EPIPHANIA actually means ” ERSCHEINUNG”. In the east church this day is celebrated as birthday of Christ.The “Star of the Magi” can be regarded as an objective phenomenon. The New Testament is virtually devoid of astronomical allusions. The episode from...

C.G. Jung and Keplers astronomy and astrology

Kepler’s mathematical metaphysics was always of interest to, because it is this metaphysics connected astronomy, astrology, religion and yes – C. G. Jung. Kepler believed that the world was created by God to express divine aesthetics, what Kepler called “Archetypes.” This aesthetics was essentially geometrical in nature. If one knows the details of God’s aesthetics, then...