Projection of the Nazi Complex - the Gunter Grass Case.

Projection of the Nazi Complex – the Gunter Grass Case.

Guenther Grass 84-year-old social democratic activist and literature nobel prize winner published a poem last Wednesday entitled “What must be said” in the left-liberal Munich-based Süddeutsche Zeitung.  He accused Israel of planning a first nuclear strike against Iran to “extinguish the Iranian people” and noted that Israel is the principal impediment to world peace. Some...

C.G. Jung and Germany´s shadow(s)

Especially in Europe depth psychology has been shoved aside precisely because it is politically incorrect and challenges established powers of all kind. C.G. Jung raises people’s conscious levels of awareness and favors free thinking. This is definitely uncalled for in all the orthodoxies and by the global economy. Particularly revealing is if one applies psychological...

Das soziale Unbewusste und C.G. Jung ist aktueller denn je, und Deutschland gehört (wieder) auf die Couch.

Jung übernahm zwar aus der Psychoanalyse die Begriffe Bewusstsein und Unbewusstes, differenzierte aber letzteres in ein persönliches Unbewusstes und das kollektive Unbewusste. Was ist also neu am Sozialen Unbewussten. Nichts.  Im persönlichen  Unbewussten  geht es  bei ihm  um persönliche Traumata oder sonstige Erfahrungen und Impulse, die ein Individuum aus den Tiefen des Unbewussten heraus steuern. C....
C.G. Jung , Kepler and Consultative Astrology

C.G. Jung , Kepler and Consultative Astrology

Astrology is still of those darkened avenues considered off-limits of science. In his research into the symbolic meaning of his patient’s dreams, conversations and paintings, Jung observed recurring mythical themes. Jung concluded that the constellations were originally inspired by projections of images created by the collective unconscious. Jung wrote “Astrology represents the sum of all the psychological...

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Protected: Die sonderbare Geschäftreise.

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C.G. Jung and symbols of the film noir

C.G. Jung and symbols of the film noir

Again, Jungians were faster. I just saw some old movies again, including Pulp Fiction, Blade Runner, Rosmary´s Baby and 2001 – A Space Odyssey and some film noir movies.  I was interested how Jungian ideas could help me understand the films from a different angle and advance with a little project since I read Marcus...
King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine

“King, Warrior, Magician, Lover – Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine” is a C. G. Jung based interpretation of masculine behavior and personality in the light of social context mythology, poetry and art. This book describes what it takes for a man (and boy) to grow up, what C.G. Jung defined as individuation process....

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Neusprech und Doppeldenk aus dem Ministry of Truth?

Wie Frau Merkel es schafft, in einem einzigen Satz die öffentlichen Erklärungen von Herrn Wulff in das genaue Gegenteil zu verwandeln was jeder sah und lesen kann, nämlich in „Transparenz” zur Wiederherstellung des Vertrauens, das läßt schon erstaunen. Es wirft allerdings die Frage auf, ob sie George Orwells Roman 1984 für die Bestimmung der Richtlinien...

C.G. Jung and Keplers astronomy and astrology

Kepler’s mathematical metaphysics was always of interest to, because it is this metaphysics connected astronomy, astrology, religion and yes – C. G. Jung. Kepler believed that the world was created by God to express divine aesthetics, what Kepler called “Archetypes.” This aesthetics was essentially geometrical in nature. If one knows the details of God’s aesthetics, then...