
Comet #ISON Doom Bringer or yet another dirty snowball

In the geocentric world view of the Middle Ages, comets did not belong to the heavenly sphere – they were seen as Doom Bringer, as God’s punishment. Like the vaiable star Algol, considered evil unpredicablity had not been trusted. The archtypical fear fear of comets is as old as mankind is evident with the comet...


To see a bright comet with the naked eye or binocular in the night sky is one of the most impressive experiences of amateur astronomers. Under the current weather condidtion it could happen in March again. On June 6, 2011 Hawaii discovered Comet C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS) moves in the direction of Sun he resides but deep in...
Burning Books Reblog StOttilien

Burning Books Reblog StOttilien

In another defining act of intellectual barbarism, “Islamist extremists” (term borrowed by AP – Activists, Islam fighters nor Islamists won’t do) in Mali destroyed a number of tombs in the ancient city of Timbuktu, which in the last year fell under control of a separatist insurgency. Home of the prestigious Sankore University, Timbuktu was an intellectual and spiritual capital...

Gods tiny particles

The physics world and the German press were exited with early reports that the elusive “God particle” had been detected at CERN’s during  their LHC experiments. Accidentally CERNs  technician put an internal video in youtube without GEMA permission. I may believe CERN cannot control Gods tiny HIGGS particles, but  their own web? Long live wikileaks. The so-called Higgs Boson was predicted 40 years ago by British physicist...

Taking a stand for Christianity

“Truth is not determined by a majority vote.” ― Pope Benedict XVI What we are seeing in our time is a generation, where truth is relative to what people wish to believe. Those with this mindset have now infiltrated and are actively taking over our Christian institutions. It is influenced by a Science of Religion that was...
My Chinese horoscope sign of Serpent

My Chinese horoscope sign of Serpent

Everywhere the symbol of the serpent and dragon ist connected with the (d)evil. That does hurt me a little bit, as I am Serpent in the Chinese Zodiac – which is the least favored sign. The snake has a bad rap not only according to my wife, but certainly within Christianity. In defense of myself...
The Jesuits - Ricci, Schall, Verbiest and the ancient observatory in Beijing China.

The Jesuits – Ricci, Schall, Verbiest and the ancient observatory in Beijing China.

The ancient observatory in Beijing China, once part of the city walls, is mounted on the battlements of a ten-meter watchtower close to the “Second Ring Road”. As one of the oldest and famous observatories in the world, it covers an area of 10,000 square meters. Actually Beijing’s first (innermost) ring road, the 2nd Ring...
The observatory at Maragha

The observatory at Maragha

In 1971 and 1972 I traveled parts of the Silk Road on my way from Europe to Syria and later to Afghanistan. The road stretched for thousands kilometers leading caravans across scorching deserts, picturesque oases, and mountain passes but obviously travelling through the USSR was not possible at this time.  Many of  cities and entire...
International view on Christoph Luxenberg

Protected: International view on Christoph Luxenberg

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C.G. Jung , Kepler and Consultative Astrology

C.G. Jung , Kepler and Consultative Astrology

Astrology is still of those darkened avenues considered off-limits of science. In his research into the symbolic meaning of his patient’s dreams, conversations and paintings, Jung observed recurring mythical themes. Jung concluded that the constellations were originally inspired by projections of images created by the collective unconscious. Jung wrote “Astrology represents the sum of all the psychological...

Barack Obama – Nasa Etat für Planetenforschung: As hitchhiker through the galaxy

Die Nasa wird ihren Etat für die Planetenforschung um zwanzig Prozent kürzen müssen, was besonders die zwei geplante Marsmissionen betrifft. Damit steigt die Nasa aus dem “prestigeträchtigen” Gemeinschaftsprojekt mit der europäischen Raumfahrtbehörde Esa aus, das einen Orbiter und einen Rover in den Jahren 2016 und 2018 vorsieht. Die Nasa wird muss jetzt schon ihre Astronauten per Anhalter durch die Galaxis...

Christus Mansionem Benedicat

Christus Mansionem Benedicat is over our doors. Today the catholic church celebrates the celebration ” HOLY THREE KÖNIG” , its Greek name EPIPHANIA actually means ” ERSCHEINUNG”. In the east church this day is celebrated as birthday of Christ.The “Star of the Magi” can be regarded as an objective phenomenon. The New Testament is virtually...