This picture of Orion was imaged on Thursday evening 20th Feb 2014 a Canon 5 D Mark II DSLR with an 50 mm 1.4 and is a stack of 4 X 3 sec (1 not 30) exposures because of light pollution. Cold came in fast, so I was lucky to get this many. Stacked with...
Four years ago my company offered me a generous gradual retirement proposal: Work two years full-time and five years part-time. So I worked the last 2.5 years full-time for 50% salary (actually almost the same net due to some benefits and high tax rate in my country). Now this active part will end next week...
Change was always good to me. Even if it did not seem for the better it always proved later to be good. But today was a real bad day, I had to give away my BMW 520 for a few green bills. I am truly sad. “Business is change, and Change is business” was a...
Am I a Retirement Geek? Since a few years I support my private website and plan to retire to the internet. This and three blogs help me to learn writing and prepare to the psychological aspects and my retirement project. Retirement to me is a serious business, which I want to approach it methodical and organized. I am now in the last active year of part-time...
It is now 11 month until I sem-retire. I planned the remaining vacation and make a checklist. The last year I already spent in the HQ doing internal stuff in a 8-5 job. That was a hard break after the former 30 years in which I traveled around as consultant and project manager and burned a...
München scheint ein Pflaster für sympathische Schwerenöter zu sein, nicht nur im Film. Die “nördlichste Stadt Italiens” ist ideales Jagdrevier für einen Casanova, der zwar schon in die Jahre gekommen ist, aber mit seinem Aussehen und Verführer-Charme bei der Damenwelt immer noch einen Stich macht. Diese Rolle ist meinem alten Freund und Studienkollegen auf den Leib geschrieben,...