Test Picture Dawn

Single Picture 4s 600 mm f/7.5

Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, a star cluster named for Pleiades after Greek mythology. Those seven sisters are companions of Artemis the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. 

Although the planet Venus has a conjunction with the Pleiades star cluster every year, the best Venus-Pleiades conjunctions only come in early April and recur in cycles of 8 years. The last time was in 2012, and now it’s time 2020, not really a blessed year globally and personally.

7 Ducklings

I had a chance April 1, 2 and 3, 2020 to make pictures with an Canon 60Da


and a f/4-5,6 300 mm lens, as Venus grazed past this beautiful cluster. On the final date – April 3 –when  the conjunction took place, the Venus passed a mere 1/4 degree south of Alcyone.


Anyway, I called my wife up my “observatory” – an open window of my office –that evening. A few days later, after her usual morning run through the nearby park in the Wild (Munich) West she gave me her version of the Seven Sisters, calling it the “7 Ducklings” (obviously politically correct, based on missing details).