PixInsight runs as native 64-bit application on my Linux (SUSE 13.1) and Microsoft Windows 7 dual boot system. PixInsight is a strongly multithreaded environment able to exploit all processors and processor cores available on all platforms and hardware architectures. It is therefore utilizing resources very well.

First stop: Workshop Interstellarum (German, Ausgabe 86-92 (2013)

Basics and Overview
  • Artikel 1 zeigt einen kompletten Ablauf, Autor: Herbert Walter
Usage of Masks
  • Artikel 2 Erstellen und Anwendung von Masken. Autor: Herbert Walter
Noise Reduction
  • Artikel 3 Schärfen und Rauschreduktion in Astroaufnahmen. Autor: Daniel Gütl
Nebula and Galaxies
  • Artikel 4 Bearbeiten von Nebeln und Galaxiendetails. Autor: Daniel Gütl
  • Artikel 5 Deconvolution. Autor: Herbert Walter
Mathematical Methods
  • Artikel 6 Astrometrische Berechnung von Bildern und Objektidentifizierung. Autor: Herbert Walter

Typical workflow

The featured picture shows a typical result of the workflow, using Bias, Darks, Flats and 13 Lights each 5 Minutes of the M100, using PixInsight 1.8.1 Linux (Suse 13.1). They are thre major steps.

Data Reduction to get a Master Image (Preprocessing)

Linear Workflow to improve Masterimage

Non Linear Workflow (Postprocessing)


PixInsight Workflow I PixInsight Workflow II

Second stop: Reference (Links)

BackgroundModelization ColorCalibration ColorManagement ColorSpaces PixInsight/Convolutions Deconvolutions Geometry Image ImageIntegration ImageRegistration IntensityTransformations MaskGeneration Morphology NoiseGeneration NoiseReduction Painting PixelMath Wavelets


Third stop: video tutorials


Special Articles and powerpoint

Misc Tools