This Article did make it only one German newspaper – on the back page: The German flagship daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) has a piece called: “EU Advisers Wish To Monitor Media More Strictly”.
An advisory group including includes former German Justice Minister Herta Däubler-Gmelin (who once compared President George W. Bush to Hitler) and Latvia former President Varia Vike-Freiberga call basically for more control claiming to assert freedom of speech. Orwell couldn’t say it better. Mrs. Däubler-Gmelin for example is calling on Europe to require its member states to have “independent media panels that would impose fines, force counter views, or revoke media licenses”, and to make sure these member-state media panels “abide to European values”. It is unclear what that those are, but I assume that paramount is Euro and socializing joint debt is meant.
Today’s totalitarian ideas are thinly disguised righteous plans to ensure “fairness” and “social justice” and come more and more from the EU and Europe’s government. The latest now is to take more control over the media. A group of EU Commission advisers say, “Europe’s freedom of the press is in danger” and so Europe has to exercise more media control.
The advisers are calling for stricter state monitoring of the media. According to the FAZ, the group says, “Some media outlets should be financially supported.” Anyone living in Europe following the media to any extent knows that Europe’s traditional mainstream leftist media are not taken seriously anymore by informed citizens. A number of center-left dailies have recently bitten the dust, and so we suppose they are now looking for generous handouts. In Germany the so-called “Public Media” have an 8 Billion Euro Budget which comes from forced membership of every household since January 1st. 2013.
The FAZ writes that stricter monitoring by the EU state would “ensure pluralism and quality”. The group of advisors proposes that the “European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights should monitor freedom of the press and free speech in member states”. You see, today there are media outlets out there who feel their rights to free speech are being infringed because citizens are no longer interested in paying for their thrash. The governments force citizens to pay for low quality that nobody wants – through subsidies.
The advisors also say an “independent monitoring agency“ made up of scientists could be set up. The advisers say that “more pluralism must be achieved, especially in the online media“.
The advisors want to make-believe that “freedom of the press is threatened by political powers, excessive commercial power, new business models, changing media landscape and the rise of new media.” It is the political correctness they want to protect not freedom.
The FAZ writes:
One particularly large problem the advisers find is the creeping loss of quality in reporting, as Ms. Vike-Freiberga showed. Among other things, it arises from the new media like in the Internet where anyone is allowed to disseminate information. “For this reason the group also proposes that it is also essential for the state to support unprofitable media are essential.”
Similar to the Chinese, the EU panels essentially says openly now that media should comply to an intransparent code of conduct and guidelines for publishing (which exists for a long time in the so-called quality media) and not anyone should be allowed to publish.
Überwachung ist Pressefreiheit: “Berater der EU-Kommission sehen die Pressefreiheit in Europa in Gefahr. Sie schlagen eine stärkere Überwachung durch den Staat vor. Einige Medien sollten auch finanziell unterstützt werden.” Selbstverständlich sollen die Bürger für die unbestellte Beglückung einen unfreiwilligen Beitrag zahlen wie das schon Deutschland mit dem öffentlichen Rundfunk geschieht.
Unterdrückung von Ínformation. Für ein besonders großes Problem hält die Gruppe einen schleichenden Qualitätsverlust in der Berichterstattung, wie Frau Vike-Freiberga darlegte. Er stamme unter anderem daher, dass mit den neuen Medien wie dem Internet jedermann Informationen verbreiten könne.” — Deswegen verbreitet sich in Deutschland der öffentlich rechtliche Rundfunk, als Garant von Qualität und Vielfalt, im Internet und setzt alle andere im Internet unter Druck.
Einschüchterung der Freiheit. “in allen EU-Staaten unabhängige Medienräte vorzuschreiben, die Strafzahlungen verhängen, Gegendarstellungen erzwingen oder Medien die Zulassung entziehen können. Die EU-Kommission solle überwachen, dass diese Medienräte sich an europäische Werte hielten.” Es entstehen “neue Medien” im Internet, die nur das berichten, was die EU als europäische Werte definiert und alles andere verheimlicht.
Eine nicht zu vernachlässigende Menge von Menschen ist “aufgewacht” und filtert konsequent die “Wahrheit” aus den Massenmedien raus – also da wo mal jemand wieder “aus versehen die Wahrheit gesagt hat”. Twitter geht allerdings nach hinten los. Man möchte schnell da noch einen Deckel draufbekommen, man hatte gehofft, durch viele bunte EU Webseiten,und öffentliche unterstützte Staatsmedien dies in Griff zu kriegen, doch es zeigt sich, dass diese Strategie nicht aufgeht.